Handy Tips To Be More Productive Using GIMP

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GIMP - also known as the GNU Image Manipulation Program - is well known as an excellent graphics editor. Many people even consider it as useful as Adobe Photoshop for creating images for the web. I have been using GIMP for a long time now and have used it for such tasks as screen capturing, optimizing images, retouching photos, scaling images, special effects and so on. GIMP is available for multiple platforms including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Why, GIMP is even available as a portable application  which allows you to run it directly from a USB pen drive.

The following are a few handy tips which will help you be more productive in GIMP.

Handy Tips for GIMP users

  1. Add the PSPI plugin - This plugin will allow you to install and use most Photoshop filters in GIMP.
  2. Install the Layer effects plug-in  - This plug-in will club filters such as drop shadow, color overlay, bevel and embross, inner shadow, inner glow and so on into one group thus easing your work.
  3. Install the Separate+ plug-in which will bring CMYK color separation in GIMP.
  4. Install the Liquid Rescale plug-in.
  5. Add additional brushes. GIMP already comes with a default set of brushes but you can download more variety from websites such as blendfu.com.
  6. Anchor the windows - There is an always on top option for GIMP dialog windows. Use them to your advantage.
  7. Install the GIMP Animation Package (GAP) - Helps you create animated GIFs, surrealistic landscapes and realistic water motion.
  8. Enable GEGL in GIMP. This feature is available only in GIMP 2.6 and above.
[Source: Smashing Magazine]

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