Firefox Mozilla Mockups for version 4

firefox logo 125x125How would you like the next version of Mozilla Firefox UI to look ? Would you like it to have a spartan look and feel similar to Google Chrome ? Or should it be an amalgamation of all the good UI ideas found in different browsers like Opera, Internet Explorer 8.0, Safari and Google Chrome ?

Mozilla Firefox has initiated a discussion on how the UI of Firefox 4.0 should be designed. It has put together a couple of ideas as mockups.

These mockups have not been finalized but are shared with the public to initiate a discussion and for brainstorming. Should Firefox 4.0 have tabs on top of address bar or on bottom of address bar like in Google Chrome? Should it have a combo stop/refresh/go button ?

Check out the mockups of Firefox 4.0 and also the feedback received.

And if you have any UI ideas you would like to share, do write to the Firefox Mozilla team.

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