Clipboard Managers in Linux

A clipboard manager is a computer program that adds additional functionality to basic clipboard usage. The main tasks of a clipboard manager are as follows :
  1. To store data copied to the clipboard so that it can be pasted after closing the host application of the data copied.
  2. To store and retrieve multiple clips from the clip history available – any number of times.

This means you need to copy text or images only once and it will be available for pasting through out the duration of your computer use. Linux has a plethora of clipboard managers. But the one program which comes to my mind the most is the one available by default in all KDE installations namely Klipper.

The following is a list of clipboard managers which you can try out in Linux.
  • Glipper (for GNOME users)
  • Klipper (for KDE users)
  • Clipman (for XFCE users)
  • Parcellite
  • DDM
Penguin Inside has written an article explaining the pros and cons of the above mentioned clipboard managers which makes an interesting read. Using clipboard managers is one way of saving on repetitive tasks and thus improving your productivity in using computers.

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