My first web page was in Yahoo Geocities. That was a time when the now ubiquitous server side technologies like PHP had yet to make an appearance. Yahoo was one of the few web hosts who were providing amateur website builders like myself a platform to host our files.
While I did find Geocities very useful to host files, I was always irritated by the protruding Yahoo ads on my website which were ruining my web page design. If you are wondering how my web site looked, then here is a screenshot I saved for nostalgic reasons.
You will be surprised to know that my Geocities website featured Linux resources as well - mostly links to useful resources on the net.
It had been a while since I have visited my very first web page though. To be honest, I had forgotten about my website till this day.
26th October 2009 is the last day stipulated by Yahoo after which, it will delete all the Geocities hosted websites.
It is my take that Yahoo has milked Geocities to make a ton of money through the ads it ran on each of the over a million websites hosted on the Geocities portal. And unlike Google, it hasn't shared even a penny with the webmasters who diligently maintained their sites.
I guess it is time to bid adieu to a portal that has well over, served a useful purpose for millions of people.