Who writes Linux and Who supports it

A study was conducted on the Linux development statistics by the Linux Foundation and these were its findings.

  • More than 70 percent of total contributions to the kernel come from developers working at a range of companies including Red Hat, IBM, Novell, Intel, Oracle, Fujitsu, among many others.
  • Nearly 1000 developers working for more than 200 corporations are involved in writing code for Linux kernel. And since 2008, the number of individual developers have increased by 10%.
  • A net 2.7 million lines of code have been added to the Linux kernel since April 2008.
  • An average of 10,923 lines of code are added each day. However, an average of 5,547 lines of code are removed as well.
The study concludes that the pace of Linux development continues to grow with more companies and more individuals supporting Linux kernel development with every cycle. Read the white paper (PDF document) to know the details.

Good news for Linux enthusiasts indeed.

[Source : Linux Foundation, Via: Cnet News]

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