Firefox 3.5 released with support for the HTML 5 Video Tag and much more

Firefox team is striving to remain in the cutting edge of technology. The newest Firefox release namely version 3.5 is considered by many to be one of the fastest web browsers leaving its competition far behind. Mozilla claims Firefox 3.5 is over 2 times faster than Firefox 3.0 and 10 times faster than Firefox 2.x.

But one exciting new feature in Firefox 3.5 is no doubt the support for the HTML 5 video tag. Web browsers which support the HTML 5 standard can embed OGG format videos and audio in web pages, making Flash player nearly redundant for watching videos online. You can even right click and save the video to your desktop.

Then Firefox team has been catching up with Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 8 by including a feature found in these browsers called the Private Browsing Mode where the browser forgets the history of the session and destroys any traces of the websites you visit during this session.

Other new features found in Firefox 3.5 are location aware web browsing, downloadable fonts and improvements in CSS, web worker threads, JSON and SVG support.

Firefox 3.5 is available in 70 languages in Mac OS X, Windows and Linux which makes it truly a fabulous web browser. Of course, one needn't even mention the 1000s of Add-Ons available which extend the utility of Firefox to make it behave in which ever way you want it to.

Listen to what Mike Beltzner - the Director of Firefox Development has to say about Firefox 3.5.

You can download Firefox 3.5 at

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