What does it mean to be free ? - We're Linux contest winner announced

Linux is Free. Do you know what that means ? If you don't, the following video will teach you the true meaning of Free.

What does it mean to be Free?

Free is being able to choose. Choose your own space to be in. To form your surroundings in a way that will make you take the best out of you. Free is to say NO. It is to be able to choose your limits, to stretch them to a place only you can create, and change them when you feel they no longer fit you. Free is to say what ever you want, to whomever you want, and however you want. Free is to know you have a different option. Do you know you have a different option? Linux! Get your freedom.

We're Linux Video Contest

The above video is the winning entry for the We're Linux contest run by Linux Foundation, which saw over a 100 entries. Apart from the winner, two best videos were chosen as runners up. Check out the runner up winners in the "We're Linux" contest.

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