There are a plethora of Linux powered Media centers available like for instance the MythTV. Now here is another versatile project which goes by the name LinuxMCE.
But unlike MythTV, LinuxMCE is much more than a mere PVR. It combines media and entertainment with a server for music and video. You can automate your home using LinuxMCE such as controlling the lights, your mobile phone and other electronic gadgets. Set up your phone system with video conferencing and even behave like a security system feeding live video to your mobile phone in real time in the advent of a security breach.
More importantly, all the features provided by LinuxMCE are well documented. Since it is based on Kubuntu, it can also be used as a regular Linux PC as well. Check out this interesting video (Approximately 25 min duration) which explains in detail each and every aspect of configuring LinuxMCE to set it up according to your needs.