A collection of best rated videos on C++

Here is a collection of best rated videos on C++. These videos have been collected from a variety of sources such as Stanford university, reconnectworks and even a lecture by Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup the creator of C++.

The Stanford University lectures are very clear and start with the basics in an attempt to teach C++. Each lecture is about an hour and a half long.

It starts with the very basics and ends with sophisticated example of tracking code. The content of each lecture is roughly the following…
  1. session 1: basic declarations, conditional structure, operators.
  2. session 2: pointers and functions.
  3. session 3: introduction to classes including operator overloading using 3-Vector from CLHEP (class library for high energy physics) as an example.
  4. session 4; more on classes with arrays and lists and including templates.
  5. session 5: introduction to inheritance and some thoughts on class design and dealing with legacy code.
  6. session 6: polymorphic inheritance with a large example taken from a simulation code.
These series of lectures are not a "hands-on" style ones. Only few practical exercises are suggested in the lectures. The students are expected to take their own initiatives in getting started.

By the end of the course, one should be able to read most C++ code written by others and be on their way to using C++ in their own work.

Link to the video lectures

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