Fedora 7 - latest offering from Red Hat

The latest offering from Red Hat, Fedora ver 7.0 has been released. This time round, Fedora team has mearged the core packages with the Extra platform components which is why you see the title of this post to contain "Fedora 7" instead of "Fedora core 7".

Some of the new features found in Fedora 7 are as follows :
  • The ability to create appliances to suit very particular user's needs.
  • The latest versions of Gnome (2.18), KDE 3.5.6, Xorg 7.2 .
  • Latest Linux kernel with integrated KVM (Kernel Virtualization) support.
  • Different Fedora 7 images to suit different users needs such as Gnome and KDE live CDs with accompanying installer, an all encompassing DVD image, A regular image for desktops, workstations, and server users and so on.
  • NetworkManager presents a graphical interface that allows user to quickly switch between wireless and wired networks for increased mobility. NetworkManager is installed by default in both GNOME and KDE Live CDs.
  • A new comprehensive graphical administration tool for SELinux, system-config-selinux is available by default in this release.
  • Integrates the experimental nouveau driver within Xorg and the kernel. The nouveau driver aims to provide free and open source 3D drivers for nVidia cards.
You can download Fedora 7 from the list of mirrors and also view the full release notes.

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