LOPSA-NJ Presentation

I'll be presenting some troubleshooting tips to the LOPSA NJ meeting on May 3 at the Lawrence Public Library at 7pm. My Impress presentation is included below. (Impress is part of the OpenOffice suite.):

(I moved the presentation's share to the top of the page.)

Date: Thursday, May 3, 2007, 7:00pm (social), 7:30pm (discussion)

Topic: An overview of some of the different ways to troubleshoot
problems in a Solaris 10 environment, with emphasis on the tools that
are specific to Solaris

Speaker: Scott Cromar

Description: The talk will be a discussion of a general
troubleshooting approach including the use of Ishikawa and
Interrelationship diagrams in troubleshooting. With a brief overview of
some of the tools available in Solaris 10 and a brief introduction to

Location: Lawrence Headquarters Branch of the Mercer County Library,
Community Room 2

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