Transform KDE desktop into Apple Mac OS X

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One of the biggest motivation for a lay person in buying an Apple Mac - apart from its robust high-end hardware and its OS stability - is its beauty. Over the years, Apple has pioneered new ways of easing the desktop users life with its well designed desktop OS - Mac OS X. Many people who set their eyes on an Apple Mac for the first time will be tempted to buy it.

What if I told you that you can make your Linux OS look and feel like an Apple Mac ?

Mac OS X Dock
The panel in KDE with the MacOSX look and feel

Now-a-days a lot of development has been taking place in Linux on the usability front and some of the projects such as XGL are worth the efforts put into it. But for the die-hard Mac enthusiast who would settle for nothing less than a desktop which looks like the original, it is possible with some effort to make a Linux desktop look like a Mac OSX one by clever use of icon sets, wallpapers and themes.

Earlier I had explained how to convert your GNOME desktop to look like Mac OS X. Now it is possible to create an exact imitation of Apple's OS X look using a project called Baghira. In fact Arnaud, a Baghira user has written a very good tutorial to convert your KDE desktop to look like an Apple Mac OS X desktop. The tutorial is pretty detailed in its explanation of the steps and is replete with screenshots.

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