Solaris commands / VI Editor

Inserting and Appending Text

a - Append text after the cursor
A - Appends text at the end of the line
i - Inserts text before the cursor
I - Inserts text at the beginning of the line
o - Opens a new line below the cursor
O - Opens a new line above the cursor
:r Inserts text from another file into the current file

Key Sequence for the VI Editor

n, left arrow or backspace Left one characters
j or down arrow Down one line
k or up arrow Up one line
l, right arrow or spacebar Right one character
w Forward one word
b Back one word
e To the end of the current word
$ To the end of the line
0 (zero) To the beginning of the line
^ To the first non whitespace character on the line
Return Down to the beginning of the next line
G Goes to the last line of the file
1G Goes to the first line of the file
:n Goes to the line n
nG Goes to the line n
Ctrl F Pages forward one screen
Ctrl D Scroll down one half screen
Ctrl B Pages back one screen
Ctrl U Scrolls up one half screen
Ctrl L Refreshes the screen

Editing files using the VI editing commands

R Overwrites or replace characters to the right of the cursor
C Changes or overwrites characters to the end of the line
s Substitute a string for a character at the cursor
x Deletes a character at the cursor
dw Deletes a word or part of the word to the right of the cursor
dd Dletes the line containing the cursor
D Deletes the line from the cursor to the right end of the line
:n,nd Deletes the line n through n

Using the Text Changing Commands

u Undoes the previous command
U Undoes all changes to the current line
. Repeats the previous command

Search and Replace Command
/string Searches forward for the string
?string Searches backward for the string
n Searches the next occurrence of the string
N Searches for the previous occurrence of the string
:%s/old/new/g Searches for the old string and replace it with the new string globally

Using the text copying and Text Pasting Commands

yy Yanks a copy of a line
p Puts yanked or deleted text under the line containing the cursor
P Puts yanked or deleted text before the line containing the cursor
:n,n co n Copies lines n through n and puts them after line n
:n,n m n Moves lines n through n to line n

Booting process in Solaris

Booting process in Solaris can be divided in to different phases for ease of study . First phase starts at the time of switching on the machine and is boot prom level , it displays a identification banner mentioning machine host id serial no , architecture type memory and Ethernet address This is followed by the self test of various systems in the machine.

This process ultimately looks for the default boot device and reads the boot program from the boot block which is located on the 1-15 blocks of boot device. The boot block contains the ufs file system reader which is required by the next boot processes.

The ufs file system reader opens the boot device and loads the secondary boot program from /usr/platform/`uname –i`/ufsboot ( uname –i expands to system architecture type)

The boot program above loads a platform specific kernel along with a generic solaris kernel

The kernel initialize itself and load modules which are required to mount the root partition for continuing the booting process.

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